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Sa o cunoastem pe Anastasia Stepu!


Inaintea turneului Masters Romania, toata lumea se intreba cine este Anastasia Stepu. Ei bine, Anastasia Stepu are numai 16 ani, fiind nascuta pe data de 9 septembrie 1992, si este cea mai buna junioara din Republica Moldova. Pozitia ocupata in prezent de Anastasia Stepu este pozitia 456, dar cea mai buna performanta de pana acum la junioare este pozitia 326, ocupata pe 17 martie 2008. Anastasia este dreptace, si prefera suprafata hard. A inceput tenisul la varsta de numai 6 ani, si este antrenata de Evgenii Plugariov, un fost jucator de tenis din Republica Moldova. In acest sezon Anastasia Stepu a jucat in semifinale la turneul de junioare de la Timisoara, unde a fost invinsa de catre Raluca Elena Platon, si in sferturi la turneele Grawe Junior Cup (Croatia) si Trofeul D. Sturdza (Rep. Moldova), in total acumuland 12 prezente la simplu si 9 la dublu.

Rezultatele Anastasiei Stepu la Masters Romania:

Monica Niculescu - Anastasia Stepu 6-0, 6-0;

Simona Halep - Anastasia Stepu 6-4, 6-0;

Alexandra Dulgheru - Anastasia Stepu 6-1, 6-4.

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daniel 04 January, 2009 10:25:43
e vina sa joace in romania ca sa o vedem si noi mai des
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Audrey Marie Crasmaru 12 March, 2010 11:42:10
Bravo , tine-o tot adsa ,cotinuàsà te anterenezi cà ajungi sus si departe !!!
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uk essays 05 March, 2018 09:48:41
Tennis is famous and interesting game. Mostly girls like it and play it as a profession and here we can see the players and all of them expert. Games good activity in free time.
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redwood city personal trainer 17 November, 2018 05:58:32
Tennis is one of my favorite forms of cardio. The sport itself involves a lot of dynamic movement including sprinting, lateral movement, and agility. I actually teach my kids how to play tennis as I believe it has some transferrable skills to other sports, or even if they want to play at a high level when they get older.
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redwood city personal trainer 17 November, 2018 06:04:12
I use a tennis ball in a few exercises/movements with my clients to help with hand/eye coordination as well as some myofascial release. Overall it's a great sport and I'd recommend it for everyone as a general wellness and recreational activity.
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redwood city personal trainer 17 November, 2018 06:06:02
I use a tennis ball in a few exercises/movements with my clients to help with hand/eye coordination as well as some myofascial release. Overall it's a great sport and I'd recommend it for everyone as a general wellness and recreational activity.
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redwood city personal trainer 17 November, 2018 06:07:11
I use a tennis ball in a few exercises/movements with my clients to help with hand/eye coordination as well as some myofascial release. Overall it's a great sport and I'd recommend it for everyone as a general wellness and recreational activity.
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